Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Burgess Mee LLP is a limited liability partnership incorporated in England under registration number OC428451. Our registered office is at Unit 9, 16 Porteus Place, London, SW4 0AS.

Burgess Mee LLP  is also authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales under SRA No 665174.  Our professional code of conduct can be accessed here.

Burgess Mee Family Law is the trading name of Burgess Mee LLP .

As an English limited liability partnership we have members and not partners.  Our members are:  Peter Burgess and Antonia Mee.

In common with many law firms we use the terminology “Partner” to describe both members of Burgess Mee LLP and other senior professionals who are our employees and consultants.  Any business transacted with us will be with Burgess Mee LLP and not with any individual.

Burgess Mee LLP is registered for VAT and our VAT registration number is GB337 4024 18.

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